ついにOpenVINO 2022.1がリリースされました。
OpenVINO 2022.1 からは、LinuxではDev ToolのインストールはPIP,Git,Dockerでのインストール、Runtimeはsh,PIP,APTなどでのインストールとなっています。
前回は、インストールからPythonでのサンプル実行までを説明しましたが、今回はC,CPP でのサンプル実行を説明します。
今回はUbuntu20.04LTSにOpenVINO 2022.1 Dev Tools PIP版をインストールしてみます。
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3-pip pip install openvino-dev[caffe,kaldi,mxnet,pytorch,onnx,tensorflow2]==2022.1.0
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3 -m venv openvino_env source openvino_env/bin/activate python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install openvino-dev[caffe,kaldi,mxnet,pytorch,onnx,tensorflow2]==2022.1.0
OpenVINO 2022.1からはサンプルプログラムはRuntimeに含まれて配布されています。
cd install_dependencies/ sudo -E ./install_openvino_dependencies.sh
echo "source ~/intel/openvino_2022/setupvars.sh >> ~/.bashrc
cd ~/intel/openvino_2022/extras/scripts bash download_opencv.sh
cd samples/ cd c bash build_samples.sh Setting environment variables for building samples... [setupvars.sh] OpenVINO environment initialized -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.4.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.4.0 -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Looking for pthread.h -- Looking for pthread.h - found -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found -- Found Threads: TRUE -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/klf/inference_engine_c_samples_build Scanning dependencies of target opencv_c_wrapper Scanning dependencies of target hello_nv12_input_classification_c [ 14%] Building C object hello_nv12_input_classification/CMakeFiles/hello_nv12_input_classification_c.dir/main.c.o [ 28%] Building CXX object common/opencv_c_wrapper/CMakeFiles/opencv_c_wrapper.dir/opencv_c_wrapper.cpp.o [ 42%] Building C object common/opencv_c_wrapper/CMakeFiles/opencv_c_wrapper.dir/bmp_reader.c.o [ 57%] Linking C executable ../intel64/Release/hello_nv12_input_classification_c [ 57%] Built target hello_nv12_input_classification_c [ 71%] Linking CXX shared library ../../intel64/Release/lib/libopencv_c_wrapper.so [ 71%] Built target opencv_c_wrapper Scanning dependencies of target hello_classification_c [ 85%] Building C object hello_classification/CMakeFiles/hello_classification_c.dir/main.c.o [100%] Linking C executable ../intel64/Release/hello_classification_c [100%] Built target hello_classification_c Scanning dependencies of target ie_samples [100%] Built target ie_samples Build completed, you can find binaries for all samples in the /home/klf/inference_engine_c_samples_build/intel64/Release subfolder.
実行ファイルは、ホームディレクトリの inference_engine_c_samples_build/intel64/Release に格納されます。
source openvino_env/bin/activate omz_downloader --name alexnet omz_converter --name alexnet
https://storage.openvinotoolkit.org/data/test_data/images/ からサンプルイメージがダウンロードできるので、適当にダウンロードします。
wget https://storage.openvinotoolkit.org/data/test_data/images/apple.jpg
./hello_classification_c ~/public/alexnet/FP16/alexnet.xml ~/images/apple.jpg CPU Top 10 results: Image /home/klf/images/apple.jpg classid probability ------- ----------- 957 0.995042 950 0.001760 989 0.001309 948 0.000941 951 0.000750 952 0.000139 949 0.000024 988 0.000010 940 0.000007 990 0.000005 This sample is an API example, for any performance measurements please use the dedicated benchmark_app tool
(https://storage.openvinotoolkit.org/data/test_data/images/ から取得)
cd samples/cpp bash build_samples.sh bash build_samples.sh Setting environment variables for building samples... [setupvars.sh] OpenVINO environment initialized -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.4.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.4.0 -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Looking for C++ include unistd.h -- Looking for C++ include unistd.h - found -- Looking for C++ include stdint.h -- Looking for C++ include stdint.h - found -- Looking for C++ include sys/types.h -- Looking for C++ include sys/types.h - found -- Looking for C++ include fnmatch.h -- Looking for C++ include fnmatch.h - found -- Looking for strtoll -- Looking for strtoll - found -- Using the single-header code from /home/klf/intel/openvino_2022/samples/cpp/thirdparty/json/nlohmann_json/single_include/ -- Looking for pthread.h -- Looking for pthread.h - found -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found -- Found Threads: TRUE -- Looking for CL_VERSION_2_2 -- Looking for CL_VERSION_2_2 - not found -- Looking for CL_VERSION_2_1 -- Looking for CL_VERSION_2_1 - not found -- Looking for CL_VERSION_2_0 -- Looking for CL_VERSION_2_0 - not found -- Looking for CL_VERSION_1_2 -- Looking for CL_VERSION_1_2 - not found -- Looking for CL_VERSION_1_1 -- Looking for CL_VERSION_1_1 - not found -- Looking for CL_VERSION_1_0 -- Looking for CL_VERSION_1_0 - not found -- Could NOT find OpenCL (missing: OpenCL_LIBRARY OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/klf/inference_engine_cpp_samples_build Scanning dependencies of target gflags_nothreads_static Scanning dependencies of target zlib [ 1%] Building CXX object thirdparty/gflags/gflags/CMakeFiles/gflags_nothreads_static.dir/src/gflags_completions.cc.o [ 3%] Building CXX object thirdparty/gflags/gflags/CMakeFiles/gflags_nothreads_static.dir/src/gflags.cc.o [ 5%] Building CXX object thirdparty/gflags/gflags/CMakeFiles/gflags_nothreads_static.dir/src/gflags_reporting.cc.o [ 7%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/adler32.c.o [ 9%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/gzclose.c.o [ 11%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/deflate.c.o [ 13%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/compress.c.o [ 15%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/crc32.c.o [ 16%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/gzlib.c.o [ 18%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/gzread.c.o [ 20%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/gzwrite.c.o [ 22%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/inflate.c.o [ 24%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/infback.c.o [ 26%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/inftrees.c.o [ 28%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/inffast.c.o [ 30%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/trees.c.o [ 32%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/uncompr.c.o [ 33%] Building C object thirdparty/zlib/CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zlib/zutil.c.o [ 35%] Linking C static library ../../intel64/Release/lib/libzlib.a [ 35%] Built target zlib Scanning dependencies of target cnpy [ 37%] Building CXX object thirdparty/cnpy/CMakeFiles/cnpy.dir/cnpy.cpp.o [ 39%] Linking CXX static library ../../../intel64/Release/lib/libgflags_nothreads.a [ 39%] Built target gflags_nothreads_static Scanning dependencies of target ie_samples_utils [ 41%] Building CXX object common/utils/CMakeFiles/ie_samples_utils.dir/src/common.cpp.o [ 43%] Building CXX object common/utils/CMakeFiles/ie_samples_utils.dir/src/args_helper.cpp.o [ 45%] Building CXX object common/utils/CMakeFiles/ie_samples_utils.dir/src/slog.cpp.o [ 47%] Linking CXX static library ../../intel64/Release/lib/libcnpy.a [ 47%] Built target cnpy [ 49%] Linking CXX static library ../../intel64/Release/lib/libie_samples_utils.a [ 49%] Built target ie_samples_utils Scanning dependencies of target format_reader Scanning dependencies of target speech_sample Scanning dependencies of target hello_query_device [ 50%] Building CXX object hello_query_device/CMakeFiles/hello_query_device.dir/main.cpp.o [ 52%] Building CXX object speech_sample/CMakeFiles/speech_sample.dir/fileutils.cpp.o [ 54%] Building CXX object speech_sample/CMakeFiles/speech_sample.dir/main.cpp.o [ 56%] Building CXX object common/format_reader/CMakeFiles/format_reader.dir/MnistUbyte.cpp.o [ 58%] Building CXX object common/format_reader/CMakeFiles/format_reader.dir/format_reader.cpp.o [ 60%] Building CXX object common/format_reader/CMakeFiles/format_reader.dir/bmp.cpp.o [ 62%] Building CXX object common/format_reader/CMakeFiles/format_reader.dir/yuv_nv12.cpp.o [ 64%] Building CXX object common/format_reader/CMakeFiles/format_reader.dir/opencv_wrapper.cpp.o [ 66%] Linking CXX shared library ../../intel64/Release/lib/libformat_reader.so [ 66%] Built target format_reader Scanning dependencies of target hello_classification Scanning dependencies of target benchmark_app Scanning dependencies of target classification_sample_async Scanning dependencies of target hello_reshape_ssd Scanning dependencies of target hello_nv12_input_classification [ 67%] Building CXX object hello_classification/CMakeFiles/hello_classification.dir/main.cpp.o [ 69%] Building CXX object hello_nv12_input_classification/CMakeFiles/hello_nv12_input_classification.dir/main.cpp.o [ 71%] Building CXX object classification_sample_async/CMakeFiles/classification_sample_async.dir/main.cpp.o [ 73%] Building CXX object benchmark_app/CMakeFiles/benchmark_app.dir/inputs_filling.cpp.o [ 75%] Building CXX object hello_reshape_ssd/CMakeFiles/hello_reshape_ssd.dir/main.cpp.o [ 77%] Linking CXX executable ../intel64/Release/hello_query_device [ 79%] Building CXX object benchmark_app/CMakeFiles/benchmark_app.dir/main.cpp.o [ 79%] Built target hello_query_device Scanning dependencies of target model_creation_sample [ 81%] Building CXX object model_creation_sample/CMakeFiles/model_creation_sample.dir/main.cpp.o [ 83%] Linking CXX executable ../intel64/Release/hello_classification [ 83%] Built target hello_classification [ 84%] Building CXX object benchmark_app/CMakeFiles/benchmark_app.dir/remote_tensors_filling.cpp.o [ 86%] Linking CXX executable ../intel64/Release/hello_nv12_input_classification [ 86%] Built target hello_nv12_input_classification [ 88%] Building CXX object benchmark_app/CMakeFiles/benchmark_app.dir/statistics_report.cpp.o [ 90%] Linking CXX executable ../intel64/Release/classification_sample_async [ 92%] Linking CXX executable ../intel64/Release/hello_reshape_ssd [ 92%] Built target classification_sample_async [ 94%] Building CXX object benchmark_app/CMakeFiles/benchmark_app.dir/utils.cpp.o [ 96%] Linking CXX executable ../intel64/Release/speech_sample [ 96%] Built target hello_reshape_ssd [ 96%] Built target speech_sample [ 98%] Linking CXX executable ../intel64/Release/model_creation_sample [ 98%] Built target model_creation_sample [100%] Linking CXX executable ../intel64/Release/benchmark_app [100%] Built target benchmark_app Scanning dependencies of target ie_samples [100%] Built target ie_samples Build completed, you can find binaries for all samples in the /home/klf/inference_engine_cpp_samples_build/intel64/Release subfolder.
実行ファイルは、ホームディレクトリの inference_engine_cpp_samples_build /intel64/Release に格納されます。
cd ~/inference_engine_cpp_samples_build/intel64/Release ./classification_sample_async [ INFO ] OpenVINO Runtime version ......... 2022.1.0 [ INFO ] Build ........... 2022.1.0-7019-cdb9bec7210-releases/2022/1 [ INFO ] [ INFO ] Parsing input parameters classification_sample_async [OPTION] Options: -h Print a usage message. -m "<path>" Required. Path to an .xml file with a trained model. -i "<path>" Required. Path to a folder with images or path to an image files: a .ubyte file for LeNet and a .bmp file for the other networks. -d "<device>" Optional. Specify the target device to infer on (the list of available devices is shown below). Default value is CPU. Use "-d HETERO:<comma_separated_devices_list>" format to specify HETERO plugin. Sample will look for a suitable plugin for device specified. [ ERROR ] Model is required but not set. Please set -m option.
./classification_sample_async -m ~/public/alexnet/FP16/alexnet.xml -i ~/images/apple.jpg [ INFO ] OpenVINO Runtime version ......... 2022.1.0 [ INFO ] Build ........... 2022.1.0-7019-cdb9bec7210-releases/2022/1 [ INFO ] [ INFO ] Parsing input parameters [ INFO ] Files were added: 1 [ INFO ] /home/klf/images/apple.jpg [ INFO ] Loading model files: [ INFO ] /home/klf/public/alexnet/FP16/alexnet.xml [ INFO ] model name: AlexNet [ INFO ] inputs [ INFO ] input name: data [ INFO ] input type: f32 [ INFO ] input shape: {1, 3, 227, 227} [ INFO ] outputs [ INFO ] output name: prob [ INFO ] output type: f32 [ INFO ] output shape: {1, 1000} [ INFO ] Read input images [ WARNING ] Image is resized from (300, 300) to (227, 227) [ INFO ] Set batch size 1 [ INFO ] model name: AlexNet [ INFO ] inputs [ INFO ] input name: data [ INFO ] input type: u8 [ INFO ] input shape: {1, 227, 227, 3} [ INFO ] outputs [ INFO ] output name: prob [ INFO ] output type: f32 [ INFO ] output shape: {1, 1000} [ INFO ] Loading model to the device CPU [ INFO ] Create infer request [ INFO ] Start inference (asynchronous executions) [ INFO ] Completed 1 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 2 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 3 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 4 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 5 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 6 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 7 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 8 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 9 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed 10 async request execution [ INFO ] Completed async requests execution Top 10 results: Image /home/klf/images/apple.jpg classid probability ------- ----------- 957 0.9949166 950 0.0017935 989 0.0013619 948 0.0009567 951 0.0007669 952 0.0001433 949 0.0000239 988 0.0000107 940 0.0000079 990 0.0000050
次回はOpen Model Zooを実行してみます。