OpenVINO 2020.4から今、AI業界で話題のBERTのデモが入るようになりましたので、早速試してみます
その前にBERTによるquestion answering というものはなんでしょうか?
を参考にOpenVINO 2020.4をインストールしてください
$ cd opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/demos/python_demos/bert_question_answering_demo $ ls models.lst requirements.txt $ python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/downloader/ --list models.lst -o ~/openvino_models/
$ ./ -h usage: [-h] -v VOCAB -m MODEL -i INPUT [--input_names INPUT_NAMES] [--output_names OUTPUT_NAMES] [--model_squad_ver MODEL_SQUAD_VER] [-q MAX_QUESTION_TOKEN_NUM] [-a MAX_ANSWER_TOKEN_NUM] [-d DEVICE] [-r] [-c] Options: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -v VOCAB, --vocab VOCAB Required. path to the vocabulary file with tokens -m MODEL, --model MODEL Required. Path to an .xml file with a trained model -i INPUT, --input INPUT Required. URL to a page with context --input_names INPUT_NAMES Optional. Inputs names for the network. Default values are "input_ids,attention_mask,token_type_ids" --output_names OUTPUT_NAMES Optional. Outputs names for the network. Default values are "output_s,output_e" --model_squad_ver MODEL_SQUAD_VER Optional. SQUAD version used for model fine tuning -q MAX_QUESTION_TOKEN_NUM, --max_question_token_num MAX_QUESTION_TOKEN_NUM Optional. Maximum number of tokens in question -a MAX_ANSWER_TOKEN_NUM, --max_answer_token_num MAX_ANSWER_TOKEN_NUM Optional. Maximum number of tokens in answer -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE Optional. Target device to perform inference on.Default value is CPU -r, --reshape Optional. Auto reshape sequence length to the input context + max question len (to improve the speed) -c, --colors Optional. Nice coloring of the questions/answers. Might not work on some terminals (like Windows* cmd console)
VOCAB ファイルとモデルファイルが必須になります
vocabulary fileはopen model zooフォルダの中に格納されています
$ ./ -v ../../../models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/vocab.txt -m ~/openvino_models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/FP16-INT8/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001.xml -c --input=""
[ ERROR ] Actual network input->output names: ['result.1', 'result.2', 'result.3']->['5211', '5212']
$ ./ -v ../../../models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/vocab.txt -m ~/openvino_models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/FP16-INT8/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001.xml --input="" --input_names="result.1,result.2,result.3" --output_names="5211,5212" -c
$ python3 ./ -v ../../../models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/vocab.txt -m ~/openvino_models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/FP16-INT8/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001.xml --input="" --input_names="result.1,result.2,result.3" --output_names="5211,5212" -c [ INFO ] Loading vocab file: ../../../models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/vocab.txt [ INFO ] 30522 tokens loaded [ INFO ] Get context from [ INFO ] Size: 1265 chars [ INFO ] Context: Bert is a golden yellow Muppet character on the long running PBS and HBO children's television show Sesame Street. Bert was originally performed by Frank Oz. Since 1997, Muppeteer Eric Jacobson has been phased in as Bert's primary performer. Bert has also made cameo appearances within The Muppets franchise, including The Muppet Show, The Muppet Movie, and The Muppets Take Manhattan, in addition to an appearance with Ernie on The Flip Wilson Show on September 14, 1972, on which he sang "Clink, Clank", a song about noises.[2] Bert's age is unclear, but performer on Sesame Street Live, Taylor Morgan, has said that "I just kind of try to think like a six year old or a seven year old, because that's how old Bert is."[3] He and his roommate Ernie form a comic duo that is one of the program's centerpieces, with Bert acting as the world weary foil to Ernie's naive troublemaking. As the duo often sing in their skits, several albums were released containing studio recorded versions of their songs. Bert's best known song is "Doin' the Pigeon". He and Ernie both had their own video, The Best of Ernie and Bert, and their own album, Bert and Ernie's Greatest Hits. Only Ernie, however, has hit the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 Chart with his song "Rubber Duckie". [ INFO ] Size: 300 tokens [ INFO ] Initializing Inference Engine [ INFO ] Plugin version is 2.1.2020.4.0-359-21e092122f4-releases/2020/4 [ INFO ] Loading network files: /home/klf/openvino_models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/FP16-INT8/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001.xml /home/klf/openvino_models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/FP16-INT8/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001.bin ./ DeprecationWarning: 'inputs' property of IENetwork class is deprecated. To access DataPtrs user need to use 'input_data' property of InputInfoPtr objects which can be accessed by 'input_info' property. if ie_encoder.inputs.keys() != set(input_names) or ie_encoder.outputs.keys() != set(output_names): [ INFO ] Loading model to the CPU Type question (empty string to exit):
そこで、who is bertと入力してみると、下記のように回答が返ります
Type question (empty string to exit):who is bert [ INFO ] Size: 3 tokens [ INFO ] Sequence of length 384 is processed with 1.74 requests/sec (0.58 sec per request) [ INFO ] The performance below is reported only for reference purposes, please use the benchmark_app tool (part of the OpenVINO samples) for any actual measurements. [ INFO ] 1 requests of 384 length were processed in 0.58sec (0.58sec per request) [ INFO ] ---answer: 0.44 Bert [ INFO ] Bert is a golden yellow Muppet character on the long running PBS and HBO children's television show Sesame Street Type question (empty string to exit):
$ ./ -v ../../../models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/vocab.txt -m ~/openvino_models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/FP16-INT8/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001.xml --input_names="result.1,result.2,result.3" --output_names="5211,5212" -c --input=""
サトウヤシが何かはよくわかりませんが、Arenga Pinnataというみたいです
Type question (empty string to exit):how high is arenga pinnata [ INFO ] Size: 8 tokens [ INFO ] Sequence of length 384 is processed with 1.64 requests/sec (0.61 sec per request) [ INFO ] Sequence of length 384 is processed with 1.76 requests/sec (0.57 sec per request) [ INFO ] Sequence of length 384 is processed with 1.77 requests/sec (0.57 sec per request) [ INFO ] Sequence of length 384 is processed with 1.70 requests/sec (0.59 sec per request) [ INFO ] The performance below is reported only for reference purposes, please use the benchmark_app tool (part of the OpenVINO samples) for any actual measurements. [ INFO ] 4 requests of 384 length were processed in 2.34sec (0.58sec per request) [ INFO ] ---answer: 0.52 20 m tall [ INFO ] It is a medium-sized palm, growing to 20 m tall, with the trunk remaining covered by the rough old leaf bases [ INFO ] ---answer: 0.00 Arenga pinnata in the northwestern Philippines [ INFO ] Irok is a local name for Arenga pinnata in the northwestern Philippines [ INFO ] ---answer: 0.00 Philippines [ INFO ] Sugar (jaggery) is also commonly derived from the fresh sap in Indonesia and the Philippines Type question (empty string to exit):
$ wget -O /home/foo/Arenga_pinnata $ ./ -v ../../../models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/vocab.txt -m ~/openvino_models/intel/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001/FP16-INT8/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001.xml --input_names="result.1,result.2,result.3" --output_names="5211,5212" -c --input="file:/home/foo/Arenga_pinnata"
